Tavistock Agenda
Fracking Your Brain
Light on Dark Ops
* Changing your mind because of emotion is faith.
* Changing your mind because of thinking is philosophy.
* Changing your mind because of facts is science.
* Changing your mind because of manipulation is mind control.
The Uninvited States of America
There are no Controllers, only Pre-Sold Audience
They wind you up because they know what makes you tick.
Worldview Warfare -- Is popularity the ultimate coup?
Research shows society is ruled by non-creative lying conformists.
Sociopathic Zeitgeist
NOW PLAYING: TAVISTOCK AGENDA VIDEO - Cryptoporticus Documentary #1
20 min. "The Mother of All Think Tanks," Tavistock tentacles form holographic feedback loops, backdoors and wormhole shortcuts among cultural institutions. Each can be unpacked for their associations and effects on society - Intelligence, Military, Government, NGOs, Economics, InfoTech, Mass Media, Philosophy, Occult, Religion, Science, Academia, Psychology, Psychiatry, Medicine and Zeitgeist. Tavistock took the healing genius of Freud and Jung and aimed it at mass psychology in a controlling way.
"World bankers, by pulling a few simple levers that control the flow of money, can make or break entire economies. By controlling press releases of economic strategies that shape national trends, the power elite are able to not only tighten their stranglehold on this nation's economic structure, but can extend that control world wide. Those possessing such power would logically want to remain in the background, invisible to the average citizen." (Aldous Huxley)
The Big Lie of the Therapeutic State
Seeing the world as it is, not as we wish it is, brings us closer to solutions...
'By Names and Images are powers awakened and re-awakened'. ~The Golden Dawn
Tavistock Formula for Formation of Pathology: Deception, Brainwashing, Dissociation, Conditioning, Negative Injunctions, Forced Choice, Engineered Consent, Double-bind, Dual Reality, Peer Pressure, False Identity, No Exit, Full-Spectrum Dominance = Demoralized Mind Controlled Population; "Bread & Circuses" Formula, aka "Bread & Circuits" > The Spectacle > Predictive Programming > 'Manufractured' History
Don't Fall for It: Loaded Words, Loaded Images, The Bandwagon, Polarities, Card Stacking, Isolation, Faulty Reasoning, Conflicting Dualities, Mystique, Perceived Authority, Tunnel Vision, Paradigm and Process Addiction, Soul-Abuse, Sleepwalking, Trance Manipulation, Awareness Gap, Social Conditioning, Science Taboos, Cognitive Distortion, Defensive Routines, Cover Ups, External Rewards, Herd Processing, Oppression, Dehumanization, Injected Ideology, Frame Shifting, Forced Choice, Psychic Driving, Predictive Programming.
World's Most Influential Thintank Ever
"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." -- Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961
"The Mother of All Think Tanks," Tavistock tentacles form holographic feedback loops, backdoors and wormhole shortcuts among cultural institutions. Each can be unpacked for their associations and effects on society - Intelligence, Military, Government, NGOs, Economics, InfoTech, Mass Media, Philosophy, Occult, Religion, Science, Academia, Psychology, Psychiatry, Medicine and Zeitgeist. Tavistock took the healing genius of Freud and Jung and aimed it at mass psychology in a controlling way.
20 min. "The Mother of All Think Tanks," Tavistock tentacles form holographic feedback loops, backdoors and wormhole shortcuts among cultural institutions. Each can be unpacked for their associations and effects on society - Intelligence, Military, Government, NGOs, Economics, InfoTech, Mass Media, Philosophy, Occult, Religion, Science, Academia, Psychology, Psychiatry, Medicine and Zeitgeist. Tavistock took the healing genius of Freud and Jung and aimed it at mass psychology in a controlling way.
"World bankers, by pulling a few simple levers that control the flow of money, can make or break entire economies. By controlling press releases of economic strategies that shape national trends, the power elite are able to not only tighten their stranglehold on this nation's economic structure, but can extend that control world wide. Those possessing such power would logically want to remain in the background, invisible to the average citizen." (Aldous Huxley)
The Big Lie of the Therapeutic State
Seeing the world as it is, not as we wish it is, brings us closer to solutions...
'By Names and Images are powers awakened and re-awakened'. ~The Golden Dawn
Tavistock Formula for Formation of Pathology: Deception, Brainwashing, Dissociation, Conditioning, Negative Injunctions, Forced Choice, Engineered Consent, Double-bind, Dual Reality, Peer Pressure, False Identity, No Exit, Full-Spectrum Dominance = Demoralized Mind Controlled Population; "Bread & Circuses" Formula, aka "Bread & Circuits" > The Spectacle > Predictive Programming > 'Manufractured' History
Don't Fall for It: Loaded Words, Loaded Images, The Bandwagon, Polarities, Card Stacking, Isolation, Faulty Reasoning, Conflicting Dualities, Mystique, Perceived Authority, Tunnel Vision, Paradigm and Process Addiction, Soul-Abuse, Sleepwalking, Trance Manipulation, Awareness Gap, Social Conditioning, Science Taboos, Cognitive Distortion, Defensive Routines, Cover Ups, External Rewards, Herd Processing, Oppression, Dehumanization, Injected Ideology, Frame Shifting, Forced Choice, Psychic Driving, Predictive Programming.
World's Most Influential Thintank Ever
"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." -- Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961
"The Mother of All Think Tanks," Tavistock tentacles form holographic feedback loops, backdoors and wormhole shortcuts among cultural institutions. Each can be unpacked for their associations and effects on society - Intelligence, Military, Government, NGOs, Economics, InfoTech, Mass Media, Philosophy, Occult, Religion, Science, Academia, Psychology, Psychiatry, Medicine and Zeitgeist. Tavistock took the healing genius of Freud and Jung and aimed it at mass psychology in a controlling way.
Behavior "Mod Squad"
The fractal 'fallout' -- other institutions, programs and cultural trends -- can be mapped from combinations of the above working together as societal control mechanisms. The shortlist of Tavistock's fellow globalist institutions includes Rockefeller Foundation, CIA, MI6, SRI, Brookings, RAND, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, IMF, PNAC, Pilgrim's Society, Wharton School, World Bank.
Probably the easiest way to understand the history and absorb the complex psycho-ecology of Tavistock's penetration of culture is to watch some of the classic videos on this site. Relationships of these groups are matters of public record.
Tavistock tailors programs to specific situations for these and more as well as setting standards in psychiatry, psychology and organizational management. It declared itself the ultimate authority on mental health and human relations. Divergent thought is declared 'crazy' or 'antisocial.'
Programs with proven historical contexts originating or rooted in Tavistock "brain trust" include: "War on Terror," "Total Information Awareness," "Full Spectrum Dominance," Joint Vision 2020, "Shock & Awe," propaganda, narco-capitalism, social engineering, psystrat, "Open Government," Infowar, behavioral modification, mass brainwashing, "buzzwords," suppressed science, manufactured wars, counterculture, LSD, New Age, cults, -isms, cryptocracy, disinformation, false-flag ops, crisis creation, postmodern apocalypse theory, presence-in-absence, manufactured psychological shocks and stress, encounter groups, Aquarian Conspiracy, corporate feudalism and more. There is a psychosocial war for your mind, your body, even your soul.
"Bourne Again"
In the 2002-2007 film series, a take-off on CIA's MK Ultra program, hypno-patsy Jason Bourne learns how intelligence eats its own. As the series unfolds, we see how mind control and programmed assassins are used to steer sociopolitical "reality," while concealing and erasing memory of the mindbending puppetmasters. Only the biggest lies are 'too big to fail.'
The irony is, in this sense, "we the people" are all "Bourne Again." Not surprisingly, the fourth film of the franchise is on the way, and a first-person shooter video game is already here. The seduction/murder perps who pull the 'magic trigger' on the smoking gun have perfected the art of 'hiding in plain sight' in their Magic Kingdom. Tavistock is the rudder on the pirate ship of state.
They don't even care if we know how it works because 'plausible deniability' has become irrelevant in the Theatre of Cruelty that molds minds with metaphysics while shattering our perceptions. "The Secret" of reality creation is that it's beyond your control. The new Holy Trinity of our warring instincts is money/sex/power. The GOD we learned to worship is GoldOilDrugs.
Tavistock's "Time Machine"
Just outside London, Tavistock Institute is the sloganeering nerve center of a global psywar apparatus that attacks our collective conscious and unconscious relentlessly. Established after World War I by the Duke George of Kent to study shellshock, the original Tavistock Clinic developed psychological warfare for British intelligence.
More than an international institution, Tavistock became a nonlocal community of practice -- a dark "invisible college," the Castaglia of the cryptocracy. Tavistock's grandmother is the drug empire of the British East India Company and Theosophical esoterics. Its grandfather is "The Open Conspiracy" of Utopian H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, Cecil Rhodes and Fabian socialists. The Society for Psychical Research (SPR) helped create the Fabian Society. Tavistock is the paranoid child of the Liepzig and Frankfurt Schools of critical thinking and behaviorism. The psychodynamics of Freud and Jung are its godparents. But Tavistock's birth mother was a whore -- a propaganda front called
Wellingon House, known as "The Lie Factory."
We live in duality. Using 'time' as their fulcrum, Tavistock explorations in crafting reality became exploitations, selling Utopian idealism to the New Left and patriotic Homeland Security to the born-again Right. Pitting them eternally against one another is a neo-con racket that molds all party themes. The game is collapsing the traditional world. They employ both religious and secular currents in the same way, playing both sides against the middle.
Turning 'Great Game' strategies on the public, Tavistock's agenda transcends institutional boundaries, hoodwinking us about the nature of reality with stealth psystrat, media and cultural tactics while imposing and maintaining control through the collective psyche. The seat of power has switched from a pyramidal to a holographic power structure.
Intelligence tricks are deployed from the heart of the machinery of state to engineer the consistent illusions of our psychosocial culture -- an interactive fiction. The social glue of trust has dried and cracked, leaving less than enlightened self-interest in an "I'll get mine first," mentality.
Tavistock is now selling downshifting income and aging lean. Modulating someone's internal state is a powerful form of control using the power of imagery. Conditioning replaces external constraint with internal compulsions on both essence and substance. Collectively, Tavistock is a 'strange attractor' in the global psychodynamic field. It has brought us all to the self-organizing state of criticality - the boundary of chaos and order.
Our only defense is awareness and DIY mind control. But the torrent of information is manipulated to guide our motivations while engineering consensus by repackaging myths, memes and metaphors. In the 1960s, the Milgram Experiment demonstrated the draconian perils inherent in authority overriding personal conscience to compliantly "follow orders." The sun shines alike on torture and compassion.
Multimedia quietly changes our thoughts and opinions, creating a mashup of fiction and reality -- a 'friction' that rubs everyone the wrong way. The magic circle of the hypnotic primetime television schedule holds all in its restrictive spell of dominion with celebrity ringmasters.
While it captures the appearance of things, mimesis holds up an illusory mirror. Catharsis creates communal emotional discharge that orchestrates identification with group feelings. To Freud, catharsis was the traumatic transfer of a memory ["meme-ory", collectively] from the unconscious to the conscious. Though it effectively empties us of our own potentially meaningful creative content, the culture is addicted to it.
Rather than purging our pathologies, emotional ventilation voyeuristically facilitates them. It evokes them with daily rituals. Simulation becomes second nature like breathing -- we are The Sims. First-person shooter games are Transmodern scapegoating. What we 'Discover' on one channel becomes 'History' on another. As one commentator put it, "Armageddon is the new black."
Crisis Creation
Not reserving their techniques for the enemy, Tavistock spread their contagious theory and practice of mass mind control into all strategic institutions. Tavistock wrote the blueprint for global domination, a triumph of image over substance. The 'hydraulic model' of tensions has given way to The Field theory of full-spectrum domination. The holographic structure is everywhere contained in its fractal satellites, each of which contains the entire program and can take over when others fail.
They wrote the book on propaganda, prognostication and profiling -- the staples of the full-spectrum surveillance society. They have contrived history. Facts mixed with fiction produces friction. The simulation substitutes for reality. A ritual is just a play with audience participation. But it changes you in the alchemical process.
Funded by British royalty, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, the Federal Government and Wall Street they learned the secret of transmuting infinite symbols of transformation into infinite power. Without wielding overt control, the Tavistock juggernaut has influenced the direction and effects of virtually every human endeavor with political and psychological warfare through its web of interlinking institutions. Following the lead of the British East India Company, transnational drug money is the mother's milk of black ops politics.
Through a twist of fate, the shaping of Tavistock became synonymous with the shaping of global culture by forcing unwelcome changes and seizing psychological control of the human race. The brainwashing institute has twisted our beliefs into their very opposites by collapsing our psychic boundaries. Now, we are permanently "shellshocked."
Holographic Power Structure
The Tavistock agenda identifies and creates macro-trends, such as the "New Left" and militant activism as counter point to Neocon manipulation through radical religious policies and bunkered militia-mentality. In other words, it is a primary polarizing entity at work throughout all levels of society, playing both sides against the middle. It does even better creating outside Adversaries through propaganda and projection, such as the distracting wars on terror, drugs, poverty and cancer -- all of which seem unresolvable. Viable solutions simply aren't allowed and are actively suppressed.
A Rockefeller grant gave birth to the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London in 1947. Tavistock joined with Kurt Lewin's Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD) at the University of Michigan the next year and begin disseminating human relations literature, relating theory to practice, including promotion of change, engineering consensus, mass persuasion, breakdown of cognitive structure, and overcoming resistance. [Historical details at and]
Tavistock sets national agendas as part of the global shadow government. It used covert techniques to sell the war with Germany, the state of Israel, the Domino Theory and the Cold War for financial gain. Deliberate creation of crisis is a primary tool of social engineering and global psychodrama. Other networked thinktanks are its dissemination organ. They create peer pressure throughout all strata of society designed to break people down into consensus conformity.
The fractal 'fallout' -- other institutions, programs and cultural trends -- can be mapped from combinations of the above working together as societal control mechanisms. The shortlist of Tavistock's fellow globalist institutions includes Rockefeller Foundation, CIA, MI6, SRI, Brookings, RAND, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, IMF, PNAC, Pilgrim's Society, Wharton School, World Bank.
Probably the easiest way to understand the history and absorb the complex psycho-ecology of Tavistock's penetration of culture is to watch some of the classic videos on this site. Relationships of these groups are matters of public record.
Tavistock tailors programs to specific situations for these and more as well as setting standards in psychiatry, psychology and organizational management. It declared itself the ultimate authority on mental health and human relations. Divergent thought is declared 'crazy' or 'antisocial.'
Programs with proven historical contexts originating or rooted in Tavistock "brain trust" include: "War on Terror," "Total Information Awareness," "Full Spectrum Dominance," Joint Vision 2020, "Shock & Awe," propaganda, narco-capitalism, social engineering, psystrat, "Open Government," Infowar, behavioral modification, mass brainwashing, "buzzwords," suppressed science, manufactured wars, counterculture, LSD, New Age, cults, -isms, cryptocracy, disinformation, false-flag ops, crisis creation, postmodern apocalypse theory, presence-in-absence, manufactured psychological shocks and stress, encounter groups, Aquarian Conspiracy, corporate feudalism and more. There is a psychosocial war for your mind, your body, even your soul.
"Bourne Again"
In the 2002-2007 film series, a take-off on CIA's MK Ultra program, hypno-patsy Jason Bourne learns how intelligence eats its own. As the series unfolds, we see how mind control and programmed assassins are used to steer sociopolitical "reality," while concealing and erasing memory of the mindbending puppetmasters. Only the biggest lies are 'too big to fail.'
The irony is, in this sense, "we the people" are all "Bourne Again." Not surprisingly, the fourth film of the franchise is on the way, and a first-person shooter video game is already here. The seduction/murder perps who pull the 'magic trigger' on the smoking gun have perfected the art of 'hiding in plain sight' in their Magic Kingdom. Tavistock is the rudder on the pirate ship of state.
They don't even care if we know how it works because 'plausible deniability' has become irrelevant in the Theatre of Cruelty that molds minds with metaphysics while shattering our perceptions. "The Secret" of reality creation is that it's beyond your control. The new Holy Trinity of our warring instincts is money/sex/power. The GOD we learned to worship is GoldOilDrugs.
Tavistock's "Time Machine"
Just outside London, Tavistock Institute is the sloganeering nerve center of a global psywar apparatus that attacks our collective conscious and unconscious relentlessly. Established after World War I by the Duke George of Kent to study shellshock, the original Tavistock Clinic developed psychological warfare for British intelligence.
More than an international institution, Tavistock became a nonlocal community of practice -- a dark "invisible college," the Castaglia of the cryptocracy. Tavistock's grandmother is the drug empire of the British East India Company and Theosophical esoterics. Its grandfather is "The Open Conspiracy" of Utopian H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, Cecil Rhodes and Fabian socialists. The Society for Psychical Research (SPR) helped create the Fabian Society. Tavistock is the paranoid child of the Liepzig and Frankfurt Schools of critical thinking and behaviorism. The psychodynamics of Freud and Jung are its godparents. But Tavistock's birth mother was a whore -- a propaganda front called
Wellingon House, known as "The Lie Factory."
We live in duality. Using 'time' as their fulcrum, Tavistock explorations in crafting reality became exploitations, selling Utopian idealism to the New Left and patriotic Homeland Security to the born-again Right. Pitting them eternally against one another is a neo-con racket that molds all party themes. The game is collapsing the traditional world. They employ both religious and secular currents in the same way, playing both sides against the middle.
Turning 'Great Game' strategies on the public, Tavistock's agenda transcends institutional boundaries, hoodwinking us about the nature of reality with stealth psystrat, media and cultural tactics while imposing and maintaining control through the collective psyche. The seat of power has switched from a pyramidal to a holographic power structure.
Intelligence tricks are deployed from the heart of the machinery of state to engineer the consistent illusions of our psychosocial culture -- an interactive fiction. The social glue of trust has dried and cracked, leaving less than enlightened self-interest in an "I'll get mine first," mentality.
Tavistock is now selling downshifting income and aging lean. Modulating someone's internal state is a powerful form of control using the power of imagery. Conditioning replaces external constraint with internal compulsions on both essence and substance. Collectively, Tavistock is a 'strange attractor' in the global psychodynamic field. It has brought us all to the self-organizing state of criticality - the boundary of chaos and order.
Our only defense is awareness and DIY mind control. But the torrent of information is manipulated to guide our motivations while engineering consensus by repackaging myths, memes and metaphors. In the 1960s, the Milgram Experiment demonstrated the draconian perils inherent in authority overriding personal conscience to compliantly "follow orders." The sun shines alike on torture and compassion.
Multimedia quietly changes our thoughts and opinions, creating a mashup of fiction and reality -- a 'friction' that rubs everyone the wrong way. The magic circle of the hypnotic primetime television schedule holds all in its restrictive spell of dominion with celebrity ringmasters.
While it captures the appearance of things, mimesis holds up an illusory mirror. Catharsis creates communal emotional discharge that orchestrates identification with group feelings. To Freud, catharsis was the traumatic transfer of a memory ["meme-ory", collectively] from the unconscious to the conscious. Though it effectively empties us of our own potentially meaningful creative content, the culture is addicted to it.
Rather than purging our pathologies, emotional ventilation voyeuristically facilitates them. It evokes them with daily rituals. Simulation becomes second nature like breathing -- we are The Sims. First-person shooter games are Transmodern scapegoating. What we 'Discover' on one channel becomes 'History' on another. As one commentator put it, "Armageddon is the new black."
Crisis Creation
Not reserving their techniques for the enemy, Tavistock spread their contagious theory and practice of mass mind control into all strategic institutions. Tavistock wrote the blueprint for global domination, a triumph of image over substance. The 'hydraulic model' of tensions has given way to The Field theory of full-spectrum domination. The holographic structure is everywhere contained in its fractal satellites, each of which contains the entire program and can take over when others fail.
They wrote the book on propaganda, prognostication and profiling -- the staples of the full-spectrum surveillance society. They have contrived history. Facts mixed with fiction produces friction. The simulation substitutes for reality. A ritual is just a play with audience participation. But it changes you in the alchemical process.
Funded by British royalty, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, the Federal Government and Wall Street they learned the secret of transmuting infinite symbols of transformation into infinite power. Without wielding overt control, the Tavistock juggernaut has influenced the direction and effects of virtually every human endeavor with political and psychological warfare through its web of interlinking institutions. Following the lead of the British East India Company, transnational drug money is the mother's milk of black ops politics.
Through a twist of fate, the shaping of Tavistock became synonymous with the shaping of global culture by forcing unwelcome changes and seizing psychological control of the human race. The brainwashing institute has twisted our beliefs into their very opposites by collapsing our psychic boundaries. Now, we are permanently "shellshocked."
Holographic Power Structure
The Tavistock agenda identifies and creates macro-trends, such as the "New Left" and militant activism as counter point to Neocon manipulation through radical religious policies and bunkered militia-mentality. In other words, it is a primary polarizing entity at work throughout all levels of society, playing both sides against the middle. It does even better creating outside Adversaries through propaganda and projection, such as the distracting wars on terror, drugs, poverty and cancer -- all of which seem unresolvable. Viable solutions simply aren't allowed and are actively suppressed.
A Rockefeller grant gave birth to the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London in 1947. Tavistock joined with Kurt Lewin's Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD) at the University of Michigan the next year and begin disseminating human relations literature, relating theory to practice, including promotion of change, engineering consensus, mass persuasion, breakdown of cognitive structure, and overcoming resistance. [Historical details at and]
Tavistock sets national agendas as part of the global shadow government. It used covert techniques to sell the war with Germany, the state of Israel, the Domino Theory and the Cold War for financial gain. Deliberate creation of crisis is a primary tool of social engineering and global psychodrama. Other networked thinktanks are its dissemination organ. They create peer pressure throughout all strata of society designed to break people down into consensus conformity.
Globalist Change Agents
"Countless people... will hate the new world order... and will die protesting against it... When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents..." - H.G. Wells, The New World Order, 1939 "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." --James Paul Warburg"All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news." --Willi Muzenberg
"Goebbels, Propaganda Minister in the German Third Reich used methodology devised by Bernays as well as those of Willy Munzenberg, whose extraordinary career is touched upon in this work about the past, present and future. Without Tavistock, there would have been no WWI and WWII, no Bolshevik Revolution, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars. But for Tavistock, the United States ould not be rushing down the road to dissolution and collapse." --John Coleman
Tavistock’s agenda is used to create and topple governments. Tavistock’s objective is to eventually control entire populations between the use of drugs and sophisticated mind control techniques, including group dynamics. Its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.
Any technique which helps to break down the family unit, and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism and sexual behavior, is used by the Tavistock scientists as weapons of crowd control. They are currently involved in a war of extermination on the small American farmer through usery and bankruptcy by giant land trusts.
Futurist programs identify discontinuities and emerging dilemmas. Discontinuities challenge business as usual and dilemmas demand new ways of thinking about complex problems. Together, discontinuities and dilemmas provide a vista of new practices and points of view that shape tomorrow's organizations and today's choices.
Tavistock determined human psychophysical "breaking points." Following WW I, Tavistock Institute and Clinic were established in London. Originally, this was a well-intentioned program to find ways of preventing the mental horrors of WW I. Stress syndrome was then called “shell shock,” but is now termed PTSD. Sigmund Freud was the founding father of Tavistock methodology. Later, Tavistock commissioned The Tavistock Lectures by Carl Jung on the nature of the deep subconscious mind.
Over the years, the emphasis changed until there was a sinister slant to the research in eugenics, political and cultural engineering by the mid-1930's. There are rumors of an earlier version of Tavistock, which trained Lenin, and later after WWI, Adolph Hitler.
With the outbreak of World War II, Tavistock operatives took effective control of the Psychological Warfare Directorate of the British Army, while its allied network in the United States embedded itself in the American psychological warfare apparatus, including the Committee on National Morale and the Strategic Bombing Survey.
By war's end, the combined influence of Tavistock (which became the Tavistock Institute in 1947) and of the former Frankfurt School operatives, had created a cadre of ``psychological shock troops,'' as Rees called them, and ``cultural warriors'' numbering in the several thousands. Today that network numbers in the several millions around the world, and it is the single most important factor in determining the design and content of mass media product.
By WWII, Tavistock was a real MI 6 Agency and its stress-related techniques were well advanced. They knew how to relieve mental, and emotional pain and also amplify it, physically and psychologically. In fact, Tavistock’s recommendations for excessive use of force were used tragically by Winston Churchill in the terrifying fire bombing of Dresden and Hamburg.
Sigmund Freud was Tavistock's "prophet" and first director, followed by his daughter, Anna. Tavistock programs were used to program the postwar leaders of Germany's government, churches, schools, corporations, etc., from among the POWs who were easy to manipulate.
Research into the use of microwave weapons and their use for mind control began in 1950s at the Tavistock Institute, one of Britain's leading psychiatric research establishments. The UK institute was researching into ways of mind controlling the British population without them knowing. It's main US branch is in the University of Michigan. The same principles were used to create pop culture and counterculture, so even societal rebellion is a programmed trend to channel and discredit opposing energy.
Freud's nephew, a principle at Tavistock Institute, Edward Bernays is the godfather of propaganda and the "engineered consent" of Madison Avenue. He took Freud's principles of mass psychology and applied them to social exploitation, numbing and manipulation of the masses.
Popular culture is engineered to brainwash each of us from cradle to grave. Trends and megatrends are manufactured, engineered by corporations. Nothing happens in politics or society by accident.
The Nazi's employed techniques outlined by Bernays in the book PROPAGANDA, and later brought them to the US under Operation Paperclip where they were picked up by CIA and subsequently morphed into mind control programs such as cyborg assassins and MK Ultra. Similar programs were instituted in the USSR around the same time. CIA also spreads propaganda across the entire political spectrum through founding and funding front organizations.
In the wake of the Enlightenment, the notion arose of an intellectual elite, a distinguished social stratum that can be traced far back into classical history. Elite classes of intellectuals or well-educated people emerged in most European countries.
The intelligentsia is a social class of people engaged in complex mental and creative labor directed to the development and dissemination of culture, encompassing intellectuals and social groups close to them (e.g., artists, mystics, psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists and teachers).Bohemians were the forerunner of what we can call the ‘psychedelic intelligentsia’ and today’s New Age spiritual fusion.
Utopian socialism is the philosophical root of modern socialist thought. Anyone can be a utopian socialist, but the trend emerged in the first quarter of the 19th century. From the mid-19th century onwards, the other branches of socialism overtook Utopianism in popularity. But groups such as the Fabians continued working their strategic agendas behind the scenes of perpetual class struggle.
Societies are cyclic, always in a continual process of constructing themselves and destructing from within. Utopian socialists are forerunners of communal hippie life, intentional communities and cooperatives. Utopian nostalgia is exemplified in the Star Trek and Star Wars philosophy. Its dystopian reflection is The Matrix, the postmodern Brave New World where nothing is believable or trustable.
Quasi-socialist intellectuals created hypothetical visions of perfect egalitarian and communal societies without actually concerning themselves with the manner in which these societies could be sustained. Yet, they shared a dream, which for the world at large has become a mind control nightmare.
The Occult Revival
Tavistock's grandmother is the socioeconomic stranglehold and drug empire of the British East India Company and Theosophical esoterics. Its grandfather is "The Open Conspiracy" of Utopian H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, Cecil Rhodes and Fabian socialists. The Society for Psychical Research (SPR) helped create the Fabian Society.
Tavistock is the paranoid child of the paternal Leipzig and Frankfort schools of 'critical thinking' and 'behaviorism.' The psychodynamics of Freud and Jung are its godparents, kindling the psychospiritual superego, archetypal and transpersonal aspects of depth psychology.
The history of Tavistock is linked with drugs and psychopharmaceutical experimentation and abuse from the beginning. Cooke's 2009 article implies it ran on daily benzedrine. MK Ultra was perhaps the apex of this drug exploration to crack the mindbrain. Yet, the pharmacopiea of mindbending designer drugs for 'new' mental disorders grows daily, including stimulants for normal social adjustment.
First and foremost Tavistock made its mark studying the phenomena of nervous breakdown, first in shellshock after WWI and then via the technical means they discovered to bring it about.
Theosophical studies cover the origin and development of the cosmos and human development in all the planes of being from its beginning to its end. It is a philosophy of process, transformation, and evolution toward an extraordinary human potential. Out of this Utopian and scientific socialism came Theosophy, British” guild" socialism, the Fabian Society, Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, Tavistock and iconoclast Aleister Crowley.
Aleister Crowley is an infamous occultist. Occultism has served as "an alternative account of the world, available to people dissatisfied with the orthodox view of things, scientifically and politically, since the late 18th century. Older than Theosophy with roots in kabbalah, Hermetics, and pantheism, Magick was a practical application of causing change to conform with will using similar principles. They both embrace the Hermetic Axiom: “As Above; So Below,” which reflects the identity of man as a microcosm.
The Cryptocracy, through economics and mass mind control is involved in the transformation or "alchemical processing" of mass consciousness by psychological mind manipulation. With the help of these foundations and secret societies, experiments in world shaping continue multimedia and military campaigns. The goal is social engineering -- to seed and control megatrends so the masses live as controlled puppets – wage slaves -- of the ruling elite.
Occult societies have a long tradition of influence peddling and providing covers for espionage. They are conduits of trust that transcend national borders and can cover a spy network. Naturally, occultists influenced one anothers’ beliefs, whether it was acknowledged or not.
Black intelligence ops, “Esoterics” has always been a department in most intelligence services. In MI6, it was called the Occult Bureau. The SS also had an Occult Bureau. The Watch were FDR’s supersecret team for occult countermeasures, arcane assassinations, paranormal and psychic investigation. After the war, The Watch redirected its interest to UFO phenomena.
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The mother of all social profiling and psychological warfare shops, the London Tavistock Institute, led the charge against uncontrolled optimism, as Americans, and people all over the world, watched in awe, as man conquered space. In the mid-1960s, the Tavistock Institute's magazine, Human Relations reported, with alarm, that the space program was producing an extraordinary number of "redundant" and "supernumerary" scientists and engineers. "There would soon be two scientists for every man, woman, and dog in the society," they warned. The expanding pool of these scientists and engineers would have a profound impact on the values of American society, from skilled workers to office clerks, Tavistock reported, down to grammar school children.
In 1966, a book titled Social Indicators was published, written by Bertram Gross. As a member of the President's Council of Economic Advisors, Gross was a leading promoter of the shift to the "post-industrial" society. The aim was to convince then-President Lyndon Johnson that scientifically vectored developments in new technology were not the basis for the attainment of civil rights and economic advancement, but rather, the "Great Society" would ameliorate poverty through "social programs."
The purpose of the Great Society program, Gross wrote, is that it "looks beyond the prospects of abundance to the problems of abundance.... The Great Society is concerned not with how much, but how good—not with the quantity of our goods but the quality of our lives." Gross later became editor of the Tavistock Institute's periodical Human Relations.
The space program, because of its very reach beyond any limits, was the target of a concerted campaign to replace scientific and industrial development with a "return to nature," environmental paranoia, disdain for science, and the 18th-Century British economic and social policy of "war of each against all."
In 1966, a book titled Social Indicators was published, written by Bertram Gross. As a member of the President's Council of Economic Advisors, Gross was a leading promoter of the shift to the "post-industrial" society. The aim was to convince then-President Lyndon Johnson that scientifically vectored developments in new technology were not the basis for the attainment of civil rights and economic advancement, but rather, the "Great Society" would ameliorate poverty through "social programs."
The purpose of the Great Society program, Gross wrote, is that it "looks beyond the prospects of abundance to the problems of abundance.... The Great Society is concerned not with how much, but how good—not with the quantity of our goods but the quality of our lives." Gross later became editor of the Tavistock Institute's periodical Human Relations.
The space program, because of its very reach beyond any limits, was the target of a concerted campaign to replace scientific and industrial development with a "return to nature," environmental paranoia, disdain for science, and the 18th-Century British economic and social policy of "war of each against all."
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